
Monday, January 9, 2012

aku xmarah la...plissss la....jgn la jd cmtu,mcm xknal aku cmne...gram2...i'm sorry k..............thaT just me......(-.-)
i reaaaallllyyy hate this feeling....araaaraaarargggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......xde sape pon yg phm aku,plis la...tlong la phm aku...aku penat la...aku mkn hati dah ni...sakit aku syg ko.........aish...mcm na nk bg ko phm haa kwn/................aku xreti da cmna nk ckp........aku xphm..........aku xtaw.........oh Tuhan....tlongla bg kwn aku sorang ni phm ckit..........

i'm sorry

maaf...huu...kpd mr M..i'm so sorry..i dun know u've been waiting for me so long,so long...i thought u just forget me like that...hurm...very guilty rite now...sory...xsgka la teka teki ko bg aku tu hermm...haish..speechless........argh.....time aku ngah bhagia ko nk mncul time2 gni...npe???huhuhuhuhhuhuhuhu...........sedih........

untung la...

Monday, December 5, 2011

untungla owg tu slalu update blog....untung la.....haish...(ntah dia tgok idak blog aku ni...)....stress, stress....ckit2 test.....gile la aku xlma lg...untung la ada owg xyah study truk2 leh skor byk2...aku bgai nk mati lum tentu lulus lg...stress, stress...ayooooo...........


Monday, August 15, 2011

the day i quit my job as a teacher already is my last day...hurmm...sad....;( like dis...i love andersonians very much..hummm....i'll miss them more yelling, no more screaming to them...argh...fuh...i have to accept emotion keep rolling and beating in my heart(pergh ayt...)hurm...hurm...(-_-)

komen from my student


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

sebab...trasa jsa aku yg x seberapa ni dihargai...bila ank murid mgharapkan apa ntah..aku pon xtaw...rsa cm syok je..theres a boy...he said to me,
"teacher...after dis, which school will u go?"
i said,"no..i still study la, not going to any of da school.i just replace ur teacher for one month only".
he said "why teacher? please dont go teacher...if you have finished ur degree, please do come here again n teach me".
i ask him "why u want me to stay?"
his answer "i dunno la teacher...i jus like u...teaching me n friends..."
i said "soon..u will meet ur original teacher"
he said.. "i'm gonna miss u teacher..."
its sound like very doom...emm...time tu ase cm sedih semacam je bdk tu...xpe..aku dpt ajr sebulan pon jd lah...
theres one more students..he said he gonna miss me when i'm out of that school...emm...sdih kan...huuu...aku da start syg kt students2 aku da...nkl2 diowang,diowang dgr ckp...xmcm nkl bdk2 besar..diowang ni manja sebenarnya...apa pun...aku rsa sgt di hargai n aku akn cube lg utk jd ckgu yg best...hohohoh...cikgu nazirah...(^_~)

tu lah mende pertama aku dgr bila aku 1st time msuk klas. dedo rasenye, angan2 nk jd ckgu t'capai...alhamdulillah...walaupon setakat cikgu ganti, tp da ckup utk aku timba pengalaman jd ckgu...susah woo jd ckgu...bwu aku taw apa yg cikgu aku rsa time ngajar....letih....bkn ltih ngajar, tp ltih menjerit kalu bdak2 tu xtumpu apa yg kita membebel kt dlm aku gram2 tu, aku syg diowang sbenarnya..diowang bknnya jahat, cma nkl, biasalah...lelaki kan...jus bising je...tu je masalahnye...kdg2 nek angin kan....bile aku nk mrh je mst xjd...sebabnye...eei...aku xleh nk mrh la...kalu aku nk mrh...mst xjd punyer...bile tgok muka diowg yg terkebil2, aku rsa lawak plak...hahaha...tkut jgk diowang dgn je la...pstu msti aku glak blik...eei...xleh nk mrh...nk pkul lg la...ank owg...kang xpsl msuk paper "guru ganti di dakwa ats tindakan memukul pelajar anderson"...pergh...xmaw doh...mak aku pon da psan, jgn pkul ank je le...taw la kan bla aku membebel...pompuan...pong pang pong pang bak butir peluru keluar dr mlut aku ni...wat ever it is...being a teacher is a gud feeling indeed i wanna be a gud teacher to my students...i love all my students..:)

Am I rite?? people always treat me like a fool…never think bout my feeling…like I’m not exist here…who am I to them, just a little puppet…I know I’m stupid, not clever enough..but... I have my own feeling…who am I to them?? even if I’m making trouble for them, just tell me la, no need to hide it from me…I hate this feeling…back to our topic up there…hmmm…..its karma rite….hard to say dis,yet dis is da truth..imma rite..wat we’ve done to peep, will come back to us…depend on wat we’ve done @ treat..if we treat peep well, so da other will treat us well too, same goes to us if we treat them like a ~#!*, so…we will be treated also like a %$*@........very dun like la……gee no like dis, so do many peep..but sometimes we didn’t notice dat we’ve treated somebody feeling…how to say huh..emm…mybe awfully(truk sgt plak..)harshly mybe….naaa…..watever….it is……dun treat peep like a fool…and never give faces to peep dat treat us fool…ooopppsss…no,no…xleh2…..let they treat us like a fool, we just be patient n treat them nicely…dat how to teach them…


Sunday, May 22, 2011

emm....he....maaf la giler ckit...sjak2 akhir ni(mcm terbalik jer?)sjak akhir2 ni la, aku rsa cm masin cm len mcm je...ntahla..da gile kot aku ni...(bkn aku ni cm gile2 ke,tp bkn giler?kan..)he...eei...mengarut la...........ha.....aku ada persoalan dlm benak kpala otak aku ni...dok ligat,putaq mai(mcm mamak suda)........sume org ni sama je kan,,,,,,,,,,,,(byk gile koma) la...kta lain, kt dri warming da makin teruk da,,,,(tbe2 tingat kt polar bear-hehehe.....hnya aku yg taw...mknanya...uweks...nyampahnye..)da la...tanak mngarut da...lma2 aku pn senget(mmg aku senget kan...emm...


Sunday, April 17, 2011

people always expected perfect from other yet they dun feel, they also hard to be perfect, yet we already perfect..what Allah had create, we as HIS servant already perfect..He know what better for us..Not our job to judge other people… I hate peep that say they perfect enough, naaa…..sory to say la…u peep r sucks…hoping to get a perfect person, but, ur own not perfect enough..what is in beauty if the heart is full of dark dot..??rite..i’m not saying I’m nice to all..i’m asking…doesn’t mean we r pretty, our heart also pretty..just judge ourself b4 judging somebody else..There is an old epigram… “bia la owg buang tahi kt kite, kite tabor bunga..” yeah…mmg leh pkai…but..if we always keep take care the other peep feeling, what bout our feeling..rite..?? how long our heart can stand wit those freakin peep said…rite..